Tuesday, 4 September 2018

What is definition of organic food

What is definition of organic food?

Organic food are grown on the principles of natural farming with the certification from government certified companies which includes the operations like natural pest management, natural plant nutrition and integrity with biodiversity.

Organic growing of crops is the process in which the natural method of cultivation of crops is practiced that means no synthetic products like fertilizers or pesticides are added to the crops. The land used for growing organic crops is also chemical free and no sewage sludge or ionizing radiation is used.

 Organic products

The farmer mixes manure made up of plants residues and animal wastages with the soil to provide the essential nutrients to the crops. The plant's wastages are converted into composite by collecting it into a pit by the action of microorganisms. This natural way of making manure contains high quality of nutrients and no harmful chemicals which can affect our health. This type of farming contains high nutrient values with more anti-oxidants.

The farmers emphasize on the use of renewable resources which is good for our health as well as our environment. It helps in soil conversation, decrease water pollution and air pollution which increase the quality of environment for our future generations.

Organic products are produced under the supervision of government-approved certifier inspectors who inspects the farm before the crop is grown to make sure the land is free from the usage of chemicals.

·        The land on which the crop is grown has not used any synthetic chemical from at least last three years.
·        No sewage sludge or ionization radiation must be used.
·        The manure should be prepared only using natural and herbal products.
·        No chemicals like fertilizer or pesticides should be sprayed on the crop.
·        Seeds used should be free from any chemical or bioengineering.
·        After cultivation it should be stored separately from conventional products.
·        No harmful color or synthetic material should be used to enhance its taste or texture.
·        The certified organic products are made using organic food under the set conditions of government authorized certification companies.

Using organically certified food make you sure that you are using the product which is harmless for you and your family. You will get high quality of nutrition including more antioxidants.

You should always purchase only certified organic products to save your family from chronic diseases which is increasing rapidly all over the world. Biomart.in is the result of your search to get right certified organic products at affordable prices. You will get fresh green groceries direct to your home without any ripening chemicals, artificial flavours, artificial colors or preservatives added to your fruits and vegetables to improve its texture.

Biomart.in has wide range of cereals, pulses, dry fruits spices, beverages, health products, beauty products etc. The packed products are from the certified organic companies which assure you to get 100% organic product for your healthy life. To get value for your money you can trust Biomart.in and get the delivery directly to your home.

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